Dental implants

Implant Retained Dentures
In Blackheath

Replace uncomfortable dentures with implant retained dentures. This modern dental treatment option will allow you to eat, speak and smile with confidence again. No more slipping dentures limiting your food choices. Implant retained dentures look and feel just like natural teeth.

Restore your confidence

Eat what you like, no foods are off limits

Protect and preserve your facial structure

What are implant retained dentures?

Implant retained dentures allow you to replace ill-fitting dentures and say goodbye to messy denture adhesive for good. Dental implants are placed in your jaw bone and act as anchors for your denture. You can wear your denture day and night and care for your new smile just as you would with natural teeth. This treatment offers freedom from poorly fitting dentures that limit your food choices.

Am I a suitable candidate?

Implant retained dentures can replace a whole arch of teeth using just 4-6 implants. To be a suitable candidate for implant-retained dentures you will need to have sufficient bone density in your jaw to support the implants. You will also need to be committed to maintaining good oral health, as this is essential for implant success. During your consultation for implant retained dentures in Blackheath, we will help you to determine if this is the right treatment for you.

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Testimonial in Blackheath

Our happy patients

I can’t thank the team enough for the professional and seamless experience they have provided.
I am absolutely in love with my teeth.”

The implant retained denture treatment journey

Wondering if this treatment is right for you? This is what you can expect during the implant retained denture treatment journey.


Step one

Free Consultation

Book your free consultation to learn if you are a candidate for implant retained dentures and to understand how this treatment could transform your life.


Step two

Oral Health Check

We'll carry out a full oral health check to confirm if you're a good match for implant retained dentures. We'll also explain the procedure and what you can expect following treatment.


Step three

Placing the Implants

The treatment is carried out across two or more visits. First we will place the implants and allow them to heal in your jawbone. Then we place abutments that will hold your dentures in place.


Step four

Smile With Confidence

Once you have your final implant retained dentures, you can smile with confidence again. We'll give you full aftercare advice and support to help you care for your new teeth.

The procedure takes place in multiple steps, and there may be a healing period between each step. It's important to remain flexible with your implant retained denture treatment as there may be unexpected steps along the way.

You will need between 4-6 implants to support a single arch. Using longer, angled implants will reduce the number of implants required.

Yes, it is possible to sleep while wearing implant retained dentures. Some people choose removable dentures that they can take out to clean at night, but you can also choose fixed dentures. These can only be removed by your dentist.

With good care, your implant-retained dentures could last up to 15 years. However, there is the risk of failure in the implant and the risk that your denture could be damaged.

While dentures may be cheaper, there is no direct comparison for a permanent restoration. Dental implants are more expensive than dentures because they provide a more realistic restoration.

Implants provide a solid foundation for the denture, which means you no longer have to rely on denture adhesive to hold your dentures in place. Since the dentures are anchored to the jaw bone, this will also help to preserve the facial structure. Missing teeth can lead to a reduction in bone density, which can make your face appear sunken. With dental implants, you can protect your facial structure.

The dental implants should not need to be replaced, but your denture may need to be repaired over the years. With the correct care, a denture can last 10-20 years, but chips or cracks may occur which will need to be repaired.

Absolutely! The independence you will gain from saying goodbye to dentures and being able to speak, chew and smile with confidence is immeasurable. While the cost of implant retained dentures might seem high, it is a permanent solution for missing teeth that can also help to retain your facial structure and avoid the sunken appearance that often happens with missing teeth.

How much do implant retained dentures cost in 2024?

Explore our interest-free payment plans to help you spread the cost of dental implant treatment.

The cost of your implant-retained dentures treatment will depend on a number of factors, including the number of implants and if you require bone grafting or extractions. We will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the associated costs during your dental implant consultation. Implant retained dentures offer a permanent solution for missing teeth, but the overall cost of treatment might be less than you expect. We offer interest-free payment plans to help you spread the cost of treatment and to ensure quality dental care is accessible to all budgets.

Get started on your smile journey

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monthly payments


0% interest available Flexible repayment options Low cost loans Approved lending

We are happy to offer our patients 0% APR and low-cost loan facilities for dental treatment such as dental implants, Invisalign and for other cosmetic dentistry treatments. Bhandal Dental Practice is an Appointed Representative of Tabeo LTD which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to carry out the regulated activity of credit broking.

Book your FREE Dental Implant consultation today


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