Cosmetic dentistry

Composite Veneers
For Same Day Results

Upgrade your smile in an instant with composite veneers. This innovative treatment option offers a cost-effective alternative to porcelain veneers that can be completed in just one visit. Transform your smile for a special occasion and achieve your aesthetic goals with this innovative treatment option.

Transform your smile in one day

Alternative to porcelain veneers

Lasts for up to 10 years

What are composite veneers?

Composite veneers offer a fast and cost-effective alternative to porcelain veneers. Instead of fitting pre-formed porcelain shells over your teeth, the composite resin is applied directly to the tooth, shaped, and then hardened. A custom mould is used to achieve a full transformation of the "social six", which are the top front teeth visible when you smile. This treatment delivers dazzling results in just one visit.

Are you a suitable candidate?

Composite veneers offer a flexible and versatile treatment option suitable for most patients. This treatment can help to make your teeth appear whiter, conceal gaps, hide chips and cracks, protect thinning enamel and change the shape of your teeth. During your initial consultation, we will explore the treatment options available and help you to decide if this treatment is right for you.

Spread your payments over 12 months with 0% interest

Testimonial in Blackheath

Our happy patients

I can’t thank the team enough for the professional and seamless experience they have provided.
I am absolutely in love with my teeth.”

Your composite veneers treatment journey

Curious about the treatment? This is what you can expect during your composite veneers treatment journey.


Step one

Free Consultation

Book a free consultation to learn if you are a suitable candidate for composite veneers. We will explain the benefits and limitations of this cosmetic procedure.


Step two

Oral Health Check

Before we go ahead with treatment, we want to make sure your teeth are in the best possible condition. We may recommend additional gum treatments to help protect your oral health.


Step three

Placing Your Veneers

Composite veneers offer a cost-effective alternative to porcelain veneers. The composite material is applied directly to your teeth and then hardened with a special light.


Step four

Smile With Confidence

Composite veneers offer a simple and effective way to transform your smile in just one visit. You'll be smiling with confidence as you leave the practice with your new smile.

There is no upper age limit for composite veneers. Provided you have good oral hygiene, you should be an ideal candidate for this cosmetic procedure. You can improve your confidence with composite veneers at any age.

No, the composite veneers procedure does not hurt. Your teeth are not prepared before placing composite veneers, so you shouldn't experience any pain. You may experience some increased sensitivity immediately after the procedure, but this will soon pass.

No, composite veneers should not ruin your teeth. The underlying tooth structure is not altered or prepared before placing composite veneers. The veneers may even help to protect areas of your tooth with thinning enamel.

Composite veneers can last between 3 and ten years. To keep your composite veneers looking beautiful, you will need good oral hygiene and a few lifestyle changes. Avoiding certain foods and stopping habits like biting your nails will help.

If you do not care for your teeth correctly, tooth decay is always a risk. To prevent this, we recommend brushing twice and day and flossing once a day. This will help to remove food debris and plaque build-up which could cause tooth decay.

Yes, caring for your composite veneers couldn't be easier. Simply brush your teeth as you normally would and floss once a day. If you are nervous about caring for your composite veneers, your dentist can offer advice to help you feel more confident.

There is a very low risk of this happening, but there are some factors that could make it more likely. Grinding your teeth, biting into hard foods and biting your nails could all damage the bond between the composite material and the tooth. However, it is more likely that the composite will simply wear down over time rather than falling off.

The procedure can be completed in just one visit. The material is applied directly to the tooth and shaped before being hardened with a special light. This allows for fast and dramatic transformations that will allow you to smile with confidence again.

How much do composite veneers cost in 2024?

Our flexible payment plans allow you to spread the cost of treatment.

The cost of your composite veneers will all depend on the size of the restoration. Composite veneers offer a highly cost-effective option to transform your smile quickly and without the costs associated with orthodontics or porcelain veneers. This long-lasting treatment provides an instant restoration that will last up to 5 years, or even more with good care. To help you spread the cost of your treatment with us, we offer interest-free payment plans. This simple step ensures that high quality cosmetic dentistry is accessible and affordable for all.

Get started on your smile journey

Spread your payments up to 12 months with 0% interest. Find out how close you are...


monthly payments


0% interest available Flexible repayment options Low cost loans Approved lending

We are happy to offer our patients 0% APR and low-cost loan facilities for dental treatment such as dental implants, Invisalign and for other cosmetic dentistry treatments. Bhandal Dental Practice is an Appointed Representative of Tabeo LTD which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to carry out the regulated activity of credit broking.

Book your composite veneers consultation today

Cosmetic dentistry to smile about.
How can we help you today?


Transform your smile with porcelain veneers that help to whiten, straighten and refine your smile.

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Composite Bonding

Achieve same-day transformations and address minor imperfections with this innovative treatment.

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Smile Makeover

This treatment plan will allow you to take control of your smile, with a range of treatments for all budgets.

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Teeth Whitening

Achieve whiter and brighter teeth in as little as two weeks with our professional teeth whitening systems.

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Are you ready for your dream smile?
Contact us to book your consultation